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Senior laying foundation for dualling careers in teaching 和 construction 

这条路 may not 有 被 直接,但 the twists 和 turns 领导 加布埃利亚斯, ’24, to the finish line of his senior year at Bridgewater State University,他是 有信心 接下来会发生什么.   

“我 always 被 open to possibilities加布说。. “的 way I was raised is, I need to make things happen for myself 和 if I put my mind to it 和 work hard, I’ll get things done.”  

的 Leominster native began his college career at a different school, 研究ing finance.  

Things were going okay until the spring of 2020 when COVID 冲击, 类了 在网上,必要的 restrictions were put in place.   

“I was not doing good mentally加布说。. “I 不能 集中注意力, 没有 like w帽子。 I was 研究ing 和 没有 want to be there anymore.” 

A friend at the time recognized his struggle and, because of his passion for sports 和 fitness, suggested he 切换档位 研究 physical education.   

After doing some research, Gabe discovered BSU’s physical education teacher licensure program. W帽子。 he discovered 赌气的 his interest 和 after some soul searching, he decided to 转移.   

I was very scared to pull the trigger 和 转移, it’s a life-changing 决定他说。“But once I did, the process was 光滑的 容易.”  

在这个 时间, he 收到了 an email inviting him to interview for an entrepreneurial internship he’d previously applied ,但 had forgotten about   

He l和ed the internship 和, 而 pursuing his degree 在BSU to teach physical education, gained valuable 知识 关于如何奔跑 一个业务.  

“的 internship taught me w帽子。 I was capable of doing加布说。. 它还提供了 的有限公司nfidence to launch his own company, Elias 首页。 Improvement   

His company offers exterior 和 interior painting 和 power washing in the Leominster area. Because of the success 他是 有盖比的表情 to eventually exp和 into a full construction business.   

Before then, however, he still plans to his degree from Bridgewater, which means this semester 他将 be student teaching full-time to complete the degree requirements, running the business.   

终极目标能够教书 physical education at the high school level 和运行 a business at the same time, something Gabe feels is possible because 大多数 his company’s work is done on weekends, 而 teaching takes place during the weekdays.   

I 有 a lot of business goals 和 aspirations but aim to be a man of all trades他说。. “I like being locked into one thing. I want to be someone who is successful, someone who helps 和 inspires others.”  

When he looks back at the last three years, it amazes him how far 他是 来.   

“During COVID, man, I was in a bad spot mentally加布说。. “But then I think about how quickly it turned around.”  

A lot of t帽子。 had to do with his 决定 to 转移 to BSU 还有支持 他是 收到了.   

平静, less stressed 和 my professors 有 helped me tremendously with w帽子。ever I 有 had going on他说。. “的y are very flexible 和 always there to help me. Bridgewater has surprised me, there is definitely a 这里有家的感觉.”  

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